
Re: Silentposts [currently: the Wedding 2020]

With Ever (and Skoll)

-The Notification Shahinne doesn't seem too pleased that Ever is still cold, and turns her attention to the Houndoom-

Notification Shahinne: <Well, let's see...> -- hops closer -- <Oh! yes!>

-clears throat-

Notification Shahinne #4337 -puffs chest very proudly: <...Ahem... Hi! I'm a Notification Shahinne!> ^.^

-...several seconds after, shifts closer to Skoll-

<...Oh, and I had a greeting for Ever~ Trainer said we had to celebrate Ever some days ago but I was nonexistent napping!>

(response http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/posts.php?di … 21#480501)

Thou hast forgotten the face of thy Lord. Remember, mortal, and fear pet me.

1,227 (edited by Umbramatic 2016-01-16 06:59:10)

Re: Silentposts [currently: the Wedding 2020]

Fourth Wall

Gino: <Hey Silent! Don't leave the other Steven who likes rocks hanging, nyan!>

My girlfriend is a Volcarona, your argument is invalid.


Re: Silentposts [currently: the Wedding 2020]

Witrh Ever and Skoll

-The Notification Shahinne chirps and leaps on top of Ever's head and trills happy notes for a moment; however, she looks down when she notices Ever not waking-

Notification Shahinne: <...So... when can I give the message? It was supposed to come with a gift but I couldn't bring it because I'm nonexistent too little~>

Thou hast forgotten the face of thy Lord. Remember, mortal, and fear pet me.


Re: Silentposts [currently: the Wedding 2020]

Umbramatic wrote:
Fourth Wall

Gino: <Hey Silent! Don't leave the other Steven who likes rocks hanging, nyan!>

Sol the DW Espeon: <Oh? Fellow cat! Tell Umbra that Silent got a grip on the hanging scientist here~>

Thou hast forgotten the face of thy Lord. Remember, mortal, and fear pet me.


Re: Silentposts [currently: the Wedding 2020]

Fourth Wall

Gino: <Thanks, Sol, nyan! Anyway, with the assistance of a fellow feline overlord back to Steven, nyan...>

Back To Steven, nyan

Steven: No, don't worry, the asteroid thing was me being catastrophic, not happening as far as I know of...

-raises an eyebrow-

Though what do you think Shadowfication has to do with the energy transfer? I've heard reports on the former from Orre, not exactly pleasant or something I'd think connected, they're almost like opposites...

...Unless that's what you're getting at, Dr. Silent?

My girlfriend is a Volcarona, your argument is invalid.


Re: Silentposts [currently: the Wedding 2020]

With Ever and Skoll

-The Notification Shahinne tilts head for a moment then walutes Skoll welcoming the offer-

Notification Shahinne: <Really! T-thanks! You look like a good doggie... Yes! This...> -- hops around -- <I like you, you are saving me a long wait~>

-Then trills and leaps at Skoll for a [hug]-

Thou hast forgotten the face of thy Lord. Remember, mortal, and fear pet me.


Re: Silentposts [currently: the Wedding 2020]

With Ever and Skoll

-As soon as Skoll nuzzles the Notification Shahinne, the lil bird poofs out of existence, its happy trill cut into silence, and, of course, without having delivered the message...-

Back with Steven

-Silent nods and crosses his arms, letting the armlet into sight-

-Meanwhile, at the door, Sol seems to be talking to someone invisible, her head jewel shining-

Sol♀: <...Umbra that Silent got a grip on the hanging scientist here~> -- purrs and stretches. -- <Okay, I guess that's it.>

-Back at the human conversation-

"That's more or less exactly what I'm getting at. Shadowification... Mega Evolution... two paths to unlock a Pokémon's true potential, expressed in different ways... " -- he lowers his head, then adds -- "and who knows if there's more..."

-The lil'Nido flickers his ears as he perceives Silent's mood somber a little, and gives Steven a long stare but says nothing.

"But... where does this true power come from? If Shadowification is truly a way in, then this power has to already be contained within the Pokémon, right? Shadowification can not add it on its own, not without some sort of battery. And if that's true, then... what is the role of the Trainer in Mega Evolution? Is it even necessary beyond holding the Key stones?"

-He raises his head and pets the head Nido a little-

"Or are we mistaken, and Mega Evolution and such similar methods are not the way? What if... Are they only baggage we add in so that it is us who win the fights, not our Pokémon? You are much more experienced in these matters than I am. What have you seen in your travels?"

-Now Sol walks in and wanders around the room, as close to the walls as the various stones and exhibits allow her to-

Thou hast forgotten the face of thy Lord. Remember, mortal, and fear pet me.


Re: Silentposts [currently: the Wedding 2020]

Near Silent

Steven: ...

-smiles slightly-

Well... Mind if I get a little philosophical?

My girlfriend is a Volcarona, your argument is invalid.


Re: Silentposts [currently: the Wedding 2020]

With Steven

-Silent smiles-

"If you don't mind me taking a seat, absolutely, let's wax philosophical."

-Sol picks up on the conversation and walks closer to the two, eyes "o.o"-

With Ever and Skoll

-Oh noes! The Shahinne has poofed out!-

-However, before Skoll can get too sad (she would, right?) the flapping wound of another lil bird can be heard nearby-

(Another!) Notification Shahinne:<Ufff... Ufff...> -- tires out mid-flight -- <I thiiink I just made it~>

-And the (another!) bird lands right by Ever, staring at the asleep human for a while. Then she looks at Skoll and then around-

Notification Shahinne: <...Yes!> -- trills a content note -- <I got here first! I win the race~>

-and starts hopping all around Ever-

Notification Shahinne: <I got the message first, I'm the best bird~> -- notices Skoll -- <Oh! hey there! Lemme introduce myself. Ahem... I'm a Notification Shahinne and I bring a message from my Trainer!> ^.^

(repsonse http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/posts.php?di … 25#480620)

Thou hast forgotten the face of thy Lord. Remember, mortal, and fear pet me.


Re: Silentposts [currently: the Wedding 2020]

Steven's House

Steven: Well... Sum me up what you know about both Shadowfication and Mega Evolution?

My girlfriend is a Volcarona, your argument is invalid.


Re: Silentposts [currently: the Wedding 2020]

The Afterlife

Notification Shahinne: <...Oh! We remember Jab!> -- chirps. :3

-The Notification Shahinne then shies away a bit at Skoll's reaction regarding afterlife-

Notification Shahinne: <...Oh? But if you're in the afterlife then...> -- sobs, looks around  -- <N-no... I'm too young and impressionable to be dead! We can't be dead...> :c

-And goes lie next to Ever, saddened-

Notification Shahinne: <...All I dreamed of in life was to host a talk show, but the other Shahinne beat me to it...>

(response http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/posts.php?di … 36#480898)

Thou hast forgotten the face of thy Lord. Remember, mortal, and fear pet me.


Re: Silentposts [currently: the Wedding 2020]


Thou hast forgotten the face of thy Lord. Remember, mortal, and fear pet me.


Re: Silentposts [currently: the Wedding 2020]


Thou hast forgotten the face of thy Lord. Remember, mortal, and fear pet me.


Re: Silentposts [currently: the Wedding 2020]

"The Velvet Room

-Silent finds himself transported, or something like that, to a mysterious space inhabited by some Pokémon. What's more, he finds out he's not the only one who's transported there, and sees other familiar faces such as Pentigan around there-

-He listens to the explanation given about the team's presence, given by a certain Abra. He immediately catches on some things-

"Wait so a contract? We are brought here because we were preselected to do something particular, I guess. Who tasks us with that? I'm gonna guess it's one of these kind of things the J-Team tends to find itself involved in... so" -- shifts his weight -- "if we're in between dream and reality, what world needs saving?"

Thou hast forgotten the face of thy Lord. Remember, mortal, and fear pet me.


Re: Silentposts [currently: the Wedding 2020]

The Velvet Room

-Silent crosses his arms and nods back to Ren, then turns to the figure that has now appeared-

"Okay, first, this is about catching a fugitive? And we are held accountable which... makes sense but!" -- steps forward -- "It seems you know of us specifically, else we wouldn't be here. And you bring us here but I can see our Pokémon are not here with us... And who is this fugitive to speak of? What damage has he caused that merits... all of this?"

Thou hast forgotten the face of thy Lord. Remember, mortal, and fear pet me.


Re: Silentposts [currently: the Wedding 2020]

-Silent notices a Clefable he had missed before, waves a hi in response-

"Sorry, hadn't noticed you before. I was more thinking, like, where are my own partners?"

-To Pentigan, sarcastically-

"You might be noticing a trend here."

Thou hast forgotten the face of thy Lord. Remember, mortal, and fear pet me.


Re: Silentposts [currently: the Wedding 2020]

The Velvet Room

-Silent has just seen a card materialize right in front of him and evaluates the considerations that Philemon gives about it and the mission-

Reallistically... I should not even be worrying about this...

-Silent crosses his arms for a moment, staring at the card.

It's curious that it is our help that is needed, and not say Tagg's or Fool's. But.... perhaps it makes more than enough sense. This Philemon said things had not gotten out of hand yet. That means this is much about limiting damage as it is about constraining this enemy. Not only is going all out not a good strategy but it's also important to not sacrifice your best guns in the first move.

-He then stretches his arm-

So that either makes us the restraining force... or bait. But at least we are given the option of how to carry this out. We are given a tool to fight and the option to use it. So perhaps... this is about...

-Just as he's about to reach for the card, it shatters into light. Silent screams as a light engulfs him and then enters his body to then try to push away from his very being back to the outside; however for the whole time Silent can feel himself not retracting his arm from where he was reaching for the card-

????: For your bravery, I grant you all the power to give embodiment to that which is in your heart. I grant you all Pokesona!~

Silent finds himself back in the Velvet Room, if he ever left, and tilts his head.


-From the energy that left Silent's body a figure similar to that of a Herdier is materialized; however this is slightly different in that is has floppy ears and greenish hair-


Cu Sith: I am thou... Thou art I... From the sea of thy soul, I come... I am Cu Sith, the spectral hound who prowls the highlands.

-As Philemon leaves some parting words to the group, Silent and Cu Sith stare at each other, the Herdier figure floating down towards the ground, and they nod as they reach some speechless agreement-

-Then Igor introduces the inhabitants of the Velvet Room

Thou hast forgotten the face of thy Lord. Remember, mortal, and fear pet me.


Re: Silentposts [currently: the Wedding 2020]

-As Igor introduces the inhabitants of the Velvet Room, Silent turns and pays some attention to them one by one. He also gives cursory glances at Cu Sith who has floated down to the ground and seems to be entertaining himself hopping in place every once in a while and checking his paws-

Cu Sith -notices, looks up at Silent: You will excuse me if I am so interested in this. I had no prior experience touching the ground and it is an interesting sensation.

"I see... hmmmm..." -- shrugs -- "I'm not sure what to say, this is the first time a Pokémon just pops into existence right before me."

Cu Sith -huffs: I will let you know there are so many points wrong in that sentence.

"...Alright, sorry, I guess." -- turns to the Velvet Room mons as he hears Ren asking for advice on how to interact with the creatures. -- "Uhm... a FAQ please?"

-After a moment "Justine" and "Caroline" come back bearing gifts for the group, in the form of glasses and similar eyewear. Silent bats an eye at the concept of having to wear lenses or anything of the sort-

"I swear, if this was in any way Maekrite's idea..."

-A moment after, Silent is trying to pick his eye wear from the tray that one of the Twins is carrying. He think sfor a moment and decides to try the o-

Cu Sith -raises head: No.


-Silent frowns at the canine creature and then goes for ano-

Cu Sith: No...

-Silent and Cu Sith stare at each other for a while, Silent's hand slowly moving to another glasses until he sees Cu Sith frown-


-Cu Sith merely shakes his head-

"...Fine, then these o-"

Cu Sith -in a commanding voice: One to the left.

"...I'm only following you on this because you maybe know more about these things than I do."

-And on that day, Silent wore glasses. He decided to ignore the subject until anyone made notice, though he did in exchange try to deviate attention towards Pentigan when he asked about how to pluralize these Lens of Truth kind of thing-

"Man, Lens-of-Truthes." -- shrugs -- "Sorry, it's the best I can offer."

-And continues listening for instructions-

Thou hast forgotten the face of thy Lord. Remember, mortal, and fear pet me.

1,244 (edited by CorvusAtrox 2016-02-07 19:25:51)

Re: Silentposts [currently: the Wedding 2020]

Velvet Room, earlier

SleepyHead: <Uh, Lenses of Truth might be a better pluralization.>

-She and Lisa head through the door Theodore and Margaret lead them through and into the room described here-

"Welcome. Do you have some... b u s i n e s s?"

"Halt dein Höllesobst mir fern, Versucher." ~ jedesdummisel


Re: Silentposts [currently: the Wedding 2020]

Velvet Room, earlier

-Silent observes the others dismissing their Pokesonas, but he is too hipster to go with the standard "return"-

"Cu Sith," he calls as he stretches his hand towards the creature -- "cleared to go."

-The Herdier figure nods, floats for a moment in the air and fades away into light; then a moment later his Card appears in SIlent's hand-

"Hmm... I seem to recall there was a TV show where the protagonists summoned or empowered their monsters by swiping cards through a reader... I wonder if..."

-He takes note of Elizabeth's instructions regarding the summon. Then, seeing SleepyHead and Lisa head through the door, Silent dons his glasses shrugs and follows-

At least these things raise my sex-appeal in +1...

Warped Schoolyard

Now this brings back memories...

-The group heads outside into the sea of consciousness. He observes there Theo's summoning act and while he seems to hear something, he discards it for the time being and instead focuses on keeping count and eye on the others-

-He then carefully listens to Margaret's instructions-

"Okay so as if we were in mortal peril. That sounds so inviting..."

-Silent moves his left hand to his waist, to about the position where he holds the Grimoire of the Mysteries of the Earth when he's donning his acolyte outfit. Then he narrows his eyes and focuses for a moment-

An aspect of me, and thus is always with me when I need him. It's only a matter of bringing him to the forefront, in the matters where he is involved...

-He then raises the hand right in front of him-

...Where I am involved.

-As he thinks of that, several Gastly-like figures reveal themselves to the group-

"Strange creatures. But this is gotta be as hard for you as it's gotta be hard for me."

-He focuses and straightens his hand-


A Pokesona card materializes!

"Time for the magistral lecture! Cu Sith, realize!"

-He then uses his middle and index finger to make a slicing motion up through the card, causing it to shatter into light fro which Cu Sith materializes-

Thou hast forgotten the face of thy Lord. Remember, mortal, and fear pet me.


Re: Silentposts [currently: the Wedding 2020]

Warped Courtyard, earlier

-One of the Halberies goes for Cu Sith, shooting a Bubble Beam at him-

"Welcome. Do you have some... b u s i n e s s?"

"Halt dein Höllesobst mir fern, Versucher." ~ jedesdummisel


Re: Silentposts [currently: the Wedding 2020]

Warped Courtyard, earlier

-Silent is about to shout a command to Cu Sith but suddenly remembers he doesn't even know what moves can the Herdier figure use-

"...Watch out!"

-Long before Silent has been able to word out the warning Cu Sith has seen the attack incoming and has leapt back some distance to then try to step aside the attack. Still he receives a hit from part of the Bubble Beam-

Wait... you are an aspect of my mind. Do I get to choose what moves can you use or...?

-He points out the creature ahead and focuses for a moment-

If what these people have explained is true, then I already know...

Cu Sith: Settle down, it's you causing me pain here. Don't think I can fight. Know YOU can fight.

"F-fine..." -- nods -- "Cu Sith, go get him before he fires again."

-The Herdier figure strafes a cicle trying to approach the Hablery from the side; all the while, Silent focuses on the fact that he needs to at least kick the enemy off balance.-

You have to use your force. A Take Down, or a Strength maybe? That's the ways I know of...

-And Cu Sith charges at its opponent-

Thou hast forgotten the face of thy Lord. Remember, mortal, and fear pet me.


Re: Silentposts [currently: the Wedding 2020]

Warped Courtyard, earlier

-The Halberie laughs as Cu Sith's charge phases through them, being Ghost Type and all-

-They then blow more bubbles in his direction-

"Welcome. Do you have some... b u s i n e s s?"

"Halt dein Höllesobst mir fern, Versucher." ~ jedesdummisel


Re: Silentposts [currently: the Wedding 2020]

Warped Courtyard, earlier

-Silent shudders as he gets the feeling of his body having gone through some sort of veil - he quickly surmises that he senses what Cu Sith must have gone through-

Yeah, not doing THAT again, ugh...

-In previous circumstances when this has happened, Silent would facepalm at his persistent forgetting that Ghost Type can ignore Normal moves; however this time Silent is calm and seems to be looking at the situation from a closer perspective-

"I thought that would work..."

Cu Sith: We thought so...  -- dashes a distance away from the Halberie and turns to it.

"Hmmm... Mendel said these creatures are partial Ghost-type..."  -- attempts to move carefully around the fight to get a better inspection point -- "but in this world, it's the word of Philemon and these other guys we're trusting..."

-He sees from his position the Halberie firing more water at Cu Sith; the Herdier figure, sensing this, rears his legs and attempts to leap above the Gastly figure to the side he originally came from, which would leave him right between the Halberie and Silent if he had succeeded. Alas, he was far too close to avoid the bubbles and he is pushed a fair distance back, instead falling on the side opposite to Silent and now facing both him and the Halberie-

Still the fact is that I did try to hit it with a Normal move... One possibility is that I have to know how to hit the Ghosts... but... first...

.Silent focuses once again on preventing the Halberie from moving; he immediately notices that the creature is firing water and the thought comes to him from his Pokesona-

We have to hit the creature, no matter if it's a ghost or not...

-Cu Sith senses Silent's instructions and gets up, immediately siphoning the energy around him into ice that focalizes in his muzzle; then, he dashes in for an Ice Fang-

Confront, restrain, and then we'll deal with it...

Thou hast forgotten the face of thy Lord. Remember, mortal, and fear pet me.

1,250 (edited by CorvusAtrox 2016-02-08 04:12:54)

Re: Silentposts [currently: the Wedding 2020]

Warped Courtyard, earlier

-The Hablerie is struck, not taking much damage, but taking some nonetheless-

-The Hablerie also takes a little damage from Meddler's Persona's Heat Wave-

-Said Hablerie blows more bubbles in a beam like fashion-

"Welcome. Do you have some... b u s i n e s s?"

"Halt dein Höllesobst mir fern, Versucher." ~ jedesdummisel